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The Beauty Of Tuscany, Italy

KingdomOfCat Admin

1. The ironic and controversial contemporary artist Jeff Koons burst into Palazzo Strozzi

with a major exhibition, on show until the end of January 2022.⁠⁠

During the years, Koons's works have sparked a wide critical debate and heated controversy, while at the same time achieving extraordinary success. ⁠⁠

The Palazzo Strozzi exhibition - "Jeff Koons. Shine." - presents an original interpretation of his art: the concept of "shine" as a game of ambiguity between splendor and glare, being and appearing

From @viajeconfrancisco⁠⁠

2. Nothing like a hot bath to relax and recharge for the week.⁠⁠ Buona Domenica from Tuscany

From @nataliekuschi⁠⁠

3. Chasing the sun in Montefioralle

From @8axel8

4. Monterchi, perched in the hills of the Tevere Valley, is a medieval hamlet that originated as a sacred site for the Ancient Romans

It is a fundamental stop for whoever wants to retrace the life and works of the Renaissance maestro Piero della Francesca: one of his masterpieces, the fresco painting named "La Madonna del Parto", is here, kept in a small but precious museum with the same name

From @lucabecattini⁠⁠

5. Visit Tuscany and you will leave your heart there, at Pienza

From @guess_90

6. Florence is famous for being the treasure chest of a priceless heritage

and this does not include just majestic Renaissance masterpieces (as if that wasn't already enough!): there are also the many museums, gardens, big and small piazzas, skilled artisans, contemporary art exhibitions and festivals

From @jbm_visuals

7. Lucca, Italy at autumn season

A perfect ring of 4 kilometres and 223 metres planted with trees, including some centuries-old ones, and ornamental species that change their colours with the seasons

From @alterale85

8. Take a peek at one of the cloisters of the Santa Croce Basilica

This one was originally used also as a burial ground, giving it the name "chiostro dei morti" or "cloister of the dead". At the end is the entrance to the Pazzi Chapel, an Early Renaissance masterpiece, with precise proportional relationships. It was commissioned by Andrea de' Pazzi, a member of one of Florence's most influential families, and designed by Filippo Brunelleschi, between the late 1420s and the 1430s;

Brunelleschi also oversaw the construction until his death in 1446. The building work went on for a long time, but was eventually broken off in 1478, when the Pazzi family members were exiled for their role in a plot hatched against the Medici: the "Pazzi Conspiracy"

From @vincentscharphof⁠⁠

9. It's hard to resist when a typical alley of a Tuscan village dresses up with colors and joy

Here is Pitigliano, calling upon us to jump into the photo

From @fel_fab⁠⁠

10. Could this be “the seat with the clearest view”?

From @ludisiasiscolor

11. When you arrive in Artimino the views range over the hills

At the top of this “green sea” of olive groves and vineyards shines Villa La Ferdinanda, easily recognizable by the roof dotted with chimneys of various sizes, hence its nickname: Villa of a Hundred Chimneys. ⁠⁠

The estate, built in 1596 by Ferdinand I de Medici and designed by Bernardo Buontalenti, was originally used as a hunting lodge and became one of the Medici’s favourite summer homes. Todays it's protected by UNESCO, and, although over the years the villa’s original furnishings have been removed, there are still many original frescoes, a fireplace for each room and a prototype of a roaster designed by Leonardo Da Vinci

From @sever.pl_⁠⁠

12. Bridge by bridge, at Florence , city with city

As you might expect, this vitality of art and culture spreads from the capital of Tuscany in the whole Florentine area, a territory that’s home to wonderful Medici Villas, unique castles and abbeys, archaeological sites and picturesque hamlets, charming hills covered with vineyards and olive groves

From @chris_aerial_view

13. Palazzo dei Vicari, home to the Ferri Taglienti Museum (Museum of Cutting Tools), Scarperia

Mugello is a special sum of pleasant landscapes, friendly people, tasty authentic cuisine, good wine, and a great tradition of craftsmanship

From @francesca_guazzi

14. The beauty of Marradi in the middle of the day

From @kasiano_dom_z_kamienia

15. Lucca boasts something unique and incomparable: perfectly preserved city walls that are also a park

From @alterale85

16. Morning moment at Mugello, this is the homeland of Giotto, Fra Angelico and Andrea del Castagno

A hint of the amazing panoramas along the "Via degli Dei" (Way of the Gods), a path that follows an ancient road built by the Romans and connects Bologna to Florence, through the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines and the Mugello

From @lorenz_qu

17. The Gramolazzo lake as seen from the old church of Gorfigliano

The lake is a hydroelectric basin built in the 1950s, with a dam on the course of the Serchio di Gramolazzo River, flowing from the Apuan Alps. This idyllic spot attracts nature and sport lovers, thanks to sandy shores equipped for bathing, boat and canoe rentals, restaurants, picnic areas and a beautiful promenade

From @garfagnana_e_non_solo⁠⁠

18. 29 seconds of Tuscany

From @dawidseland

19. Lucchio is perched on a rock, not far from Bagni di Lucca, and is known for being Tuscany’s most hidden village

as it is very hard to see it from the road! It's not sure when it was founded, but it is possible that it was chosen by the Romans, not only for its unconquerable and strategic location, but also for the sacredness of its forest, considered to be divine

From @manuel_ciabatti⁠⁠

20. When architecture and wine make the perfect blend, Chianti Tuscany

Antinori nel Chianti Classico is a tribute to the Chianti Classico wine region. The winery resembles a big hill with two cracks cut into the vine-growing ground. Brick red in colour, like the soil, the cellar was built using natural materials like terracotta, wood, weathering steel and glass

From @_nymphadora_t⁠⁠

21. The view from above of Barberino di Mugello, a land of artists

From @simovanne

22. Entering the centre of Prato through Porta Mercatale, part of the second city walls

built in the 14th century to incorporate the areas that had sprung up outside the first circle

From @michela.emili ⁠⁠

23. Today we fly over Sorano.⁠⁠ A picturesque hill village in southern Tuscany. ⁠⁠⁠

A fascinating labyrinth of intricate narrow streets and staircases, built on a high tufa rock

From @siniandrea⁠⁠

24. The walls at Lucca, Italy are perfect for a walk, a run, a bike ride, a chat with friends

From @alterale85

25. The lucky pine trees of Golfo di Baratti, that every day have a front row seat to the dusk show

From @filippofior

26. Peaceful vibes only, at San Quirico d'Orcia, Siena, Italy

From @bjoerntempl⁠⁠

27. The incredible façade of Siena Cathedral. It combines elements of French Gothic, Tuscan Romanesque architecture

Classical architecture, and it's a beautiful example of Sienese workmanship of polychrome marble. It boasts three portals surmounted by lunettes, richly decorated columns, pinnacles, statues, small and large mosaics and a beautiful rose window framed by Gothic niches and busts of Prophets and Apostles

From @_sasi_m⁠⁠

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