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News — 8 Places Have the Bluest Water in the World

8 Places Have the Bluest Water in the World

8 Places Have the Bluest Water in the World List of places have the blueset water in the world Top 8 bluest water

8 Places Have the Bluest Water in the World

Sometimes all it takes to re-center and refreshes your mind and body is a good day (or week—who are we to limit you) staring off into a tranquil blue sea. To help you find your inner peace, and catch a few waves and rays while you’re at it, we’ve put together a list of some of the bluest waters in the world. These lakes, seas, beaches, and bays have vistas that range from brilliant navy blues to the lightest, clearest turquoises imaginable. Needless to say, they are the perfect places to re-connect with nature, family, and yourself  8 Places Have...

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